
The Wellbeing of Employment Support and Mental Health Support

What can we do to improve people’s subjective experience of their lives?

This report co authored by our Founder Disha Mitra and written with PBE and Walking with the Wounded, it looks at this question for veterans.

It examines the wellbeing impact of employment support and CBT on veterans, using big data analytics and the latest wellbeing framework outline by the Treasury.

Check out the report here.

To find out more or explore working together, drop me a message.

Helping you to improve health and wellbeing outside hospital walls, in homes, local communities and workplaces



To find out more or explore working together, drop me a message.

Helping you to improve health and wellbeing outside hospital walls, in homes, local communities and workplaces



To find out more or explore working together, drop me a message.

Helping you to improve health and wellbeing outside hospital walls, in homes, local communities and workplaces

